
Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Hobbo House xDD

Meh hobbo house xDD im poor like a hobbo lmao new face xDD

Monday 27 June 2011

meh and my friend sara and her friend rawr

meh friend sara ^^ and her friend rawr thats meh the black boy new look xDD

meh and my friend bunneh

meh friend bunneh ^^ meh good friend and nice friend ^^ were are in a random travel xDD we are student on pico :D

Try it ;33

Meh profile on pico

ello im from phil : / im a silent person on pico b'ause no ones to go to talk with meh o.o .

Sunday 5 June 2011

bored day

meh bro say :o and meh say <.< ?

meh w/sis and bro

meh /w meh sis and bro idk that lady bug

Saturday 4 June 2011

meh and my best friend amor :D

She's nice :D she looks cute and im not cute xDD

Friday 3 June 2011